Monday, December 19, 2005


Disclaimer: the characters in this story are not mine, but they belong to the great master 金庸. The first paragraph is from 倚天屠龙记. The rest of the story is mine. It is not meant to be an accurate historical account, and I apologise for any historical errors.













黄蓉插口道,“靖哥哥,不要再说了... 襄儿,我已经把你杨大哥的玄铁剑化了,打造成一把倚天剑,一把屠龙刀。我和你爹把一身所学藏在里头。这里有个锦囊,它会告诉你怎么解开其中的秘密。希望你能找个有缘人,把刀剑交给他,负国大业就交给你们了。” 说着拿出了刀剑与锦囊,交给郭襄。郭襄愣了片刻,恭恭敬敬地收下了。“好吧,襄儿,你快走吧。”



突然远方传来一阵冷笑,“一家团聚,好感人的一幕!可惜就快没命了。” 一瞬间,三个人影已出现在面前。

郭襄一惊,暗道,“这几个人可以自如地进城,武功之高,已在耶律齐之上,不过比起爹爹还差得远。” 郭靖怒道,“你们是什么人?凭你们三人就想杀了郭某?”


郭靖不屑道,“哼!当年金轮法王就是命丧在襄阳,你们还敢来这撒野!” 说着左手一招飞龙在天,右手一招见龙在田,就要向三人进攻,却突然感到腹中一阵剧痛,浑身使不出力来。郭襄和黄蓉见此变化都大吃一惊,双双拿出兵刃来。

巴拉冷笑道,“我已叫你宝贝徒儿让你服了我的祖传秘方, 七步断肠散。你若跪地求饶,我或许会让你死得快些。”


武修文不慌不忙地道,“师父,识时务者为俊杰,眼见大宋江山已守不住,不如投靠蒙古。忽必烈念在你和他的旧情,不会亏待你的。” 一面说,一面已开始和黄蓉与郭襄交手。

远方忽传来极阴森的声音,“这么热闹的场面,哪能少了我?” 巴拉等人大喜,道,“是师叔!” 黄蓉大惊,突然使出兰花拂穴手点了郭襄的穴。这变化突如起来,郭襄根本来不及防备。黄蓉顺手把郭襄抛到小红马背上。小红马甚有灵性,马上了解主人的心意,一溜烟地奔了出去。

只听到那阴森的声音又道,“别让她跑了!把刀剑抢过来!” 黄蓉使出三十六路打狗棒法,顿时守得密不透风。四位蒙古武士片刻间也奈何她不得。郭襄动弹不得,也只能让小红马带着她与倚天剑和屠龙刀奔出城外。

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Device out!

After 5 gruelling months, the transistors are finally done! Though I feel that I did 30% of the work in the last 4 days. As SJ said, today (sat) ain't any different from a weekday... Now pray to ancestors that devices are good and working =)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Worms Inc

Worms Inc CEO: So, my chief scientist, what have you got for me today.
Worm Inc Chief Scientist: We have come up with a new serum to make ants shrivel and die. It causes...
CEO: Great! Have you tested it on our mortal enemy, the Beaver?
Scientist: No sir. Actually, the concentration we can achieve now is too low to...
CEO: I'm so excited! We now have an effective Beaver weapon!
Scientist: With all due respect, sir, what you're asking for is impossible...
CEO: Don't tell me impossible! Go talk to people! Do your lit review! Do simulations! Find out more!
Scientist: But sir, no one has ever managed to...
CEO: I hate people who talk to me like that, do you understand?
Scientist: Um... yes sir.
CEO: You understand? Good. I want the project proposal by tomorrow.
Scientist: Yes sir.


Next day.

Project proposal:
(i) Synthesize serum - by end of the week
(ii) Short loop to test effect on ants - by Mon next week
(iii) Demonstrate killing of Beaver - by Wed next week
(iv) Patent filed - by Fri next week
(v) Paper to be submitted to Journal for the Glorification of the Worm Empire - by week after next

CEO: Great! I know you can do it! Can I have the paper abstract by end of today?
Scientist: Sure...

OK, I think I am REALLY bored...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Ma-i-a-hee, Ma-i-a-ho!

Guo Mei Mei is driving me nuts. I keep seeing and hearing this horrible song of hers on TV. I had wanted to turn off the TV when the thing appears, but I find it too much of a trouble. They had to take a perfectly nice Chicken Little tune and mutilate it... what's up with being scared or not scared of cockroaches anyway? Sigh...

I didn't like her "Lao Shu Ai Da Mi" either. Thought it sucked when I first heard it. But then the Superstar guys and gals did an MTV of the song and it was very good. I think I just don't like Guo Mei Mei's voice. How about giving new songs to Kelly or Xin Hui instead?

OK I am complaining too much. Back to work.