Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Worms Inc

Worms Inc CEO: So, my chief scientist, what have you got for me today.
Worm Inc Chief Scientist: We have come up with a new serum to make ants shrivel and die. It causes...
CEO: Great! Have you tested it on our mortal enemy, the Beaver?
Scientist: No sir. Actually, the concentration we can achieve now is too low to...
CEO: I'm so excited! We now have an effective Beaver weapon!
Scientist: With all due respect, sir, what you're asking for is impossible...
CEO: Don't tell me impossible! Go talk to people! Do your lit review! Do simulations! Find out more!
Scientist: But sir, no one has ever managed to...
CEO: I hate people who talk to me like that, do you understand?
Scientist: Um... yes sir.
CEO: You understand? Good. I want the project proposal by tomorrow.
Scientist: Yes sir.


Next day.

Project proposal:
(i) Synthesize serum - by end of the week
(ii) Short loop to test effect on ants - by Mon next week
(iii) Demonstrate killing of Beaver - by Wed next week
(iv) Patent filed - by Fri next week
(v) Paper to be submitted to Journal for the Glorification of the Worm Empire - by week after next

CEO: Great! I know you can do it! Can I have the paper abstract by end of today?
Scientist: Sure...

OK, I think I am REALLY bored...


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