Saturday, March 31, 2007




Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yee Fun's guide to free air tickets

This guide is specific to obtaining free round trip Northwest tickets while travelling to and from Ithaca. But in principle it can be adapted to any other itinerary.

(i) Buy a Northwest ticket to return to Ithaca at the end of Thanksgiving/ Cornell Winter Break/ Cornell Spring Break. (Yes you have to pay first - nothing is absolutely free!)

(ii) While waiting in Detroit to return to Ithaca, stay near the gate and look out for oversold announcements. The flight is likely oversold on these dates.

(iii) When they ask for volunteers to take the next flight, IMMEDIATELY jump to the podium and
be the first to volunteer.

(iv) Enjoy your free hotel room, meal vochers, and FREE round-trip ticket.

(v) In principle, you can keep on volunteering - ie. volunteer when it oversold again on the next flight, and the next, etc...

I am the proud owner of 2 free round-trip tickets. Too bad I had to come back. They had once again asked for volunteers on my flight back, which would have meant a 3rd free ticket...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring is here! Long live the sun =)

For the past 2 days, temperatures have been above freezing - and those gargantuan piles of snow are melting! The feeling of the warm sun on my face did incredible things to lift my spirits. I have been putting on a brave front, but I have to admit the months of cold and little sunshine have been making me depressed.

I opened the windows for the first time in 2 months yesterday. Finally, all the foul air which was making me sick was gone.

The sun is back, and it will only get better from here. May the sun bring new life into my experiments too。 阳光总在风雨后 - the sun always comes out after a storm =)

Friday, March 09, 2007

