Saturday, July 28, 2007

Reiki is unconditional love

I have finally understood for myself what Reiki is truly about.

It is not about supernatural powers or playing god.
It is not about ego or showing off, or being better than others.
It is about healing, but then, it is much more than that.

Reiki is about unconditional love.

Master has said that several times. But it is only now that I truly grasped her meaning.

And with Reiki, I do not ever have to feel lonely again.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

S21 万岁!


一群知心朋友。 一群陪我度过青春年少的朋友。 多年以后,又再相逢, 我们都有了疲倦的笑容。

Kenli, 你依然保持着那半梦半醒的神态。
天艺, 你和以前一样地温柔体贴。
David, 你依然那么blur, 可爱的blur。
盈秀, 你的crappiness一点都不减当年。
瑞珊, 你仍然持有那武林高手的风范。

哈哈, 我感觉我还在写我们S21的crapbook。 真是回味无穷。
